Does the CRYOVEST preserve the cognitive functions of workers at the time of rounds under strong heat?


The heat effect on the behavior has been widely investigated in the sports world and laboratory, it reveals an accelerate development of tiredness and has an negative impact on the capacity to effectively regulate its activity.
Therefore, in the industry world, although it is subject to health and security stakes, it has not been yet really studied concerning the potential effect of a deterioration on cognitive controlled by the heat.
6 workers of Arcelor Mittal company (Dunkerque) has been assessed on 5 cognitive tasks which reflect their daily work, while doing their round in a high heat production zone (ap 50°C).
A cooling system like Cryovest has been tested by the workers during their round, in a randomized way during the 2 days of tests.
Measures of heart rhythm, hydric statue, cutaneous temperature and psychological have been taken before, during and after the round.
In view of the size of the study sample, a statistic filter of the results analysis has not been considered. The results suggest a selective deterioration of the heat (without wearing the vest) on the evaluated cognitive function, and a part (or complete) restoring of the cognitive performances while wearing the vest. A saving functioning seems to explain the beneficial effect of the Cryovest, characterized by a hydric conservation, a minimum cardiovascular constraint and a better thermal comfort.
To conclude, this study objectifies the beneficial use of the Cryovest on the daily cognitive control implemented by rounders in their working context. 

*To read: Research- Cryovest- Arcelor Mittal.pdf